As a coach for ADHD entrepreneurs and professionals, I regularly encourage clients to delegate the tricky tasks which they dislike doing (because they are not fun or stimulating enough), to someone who loves that sort of work and does it way better (even when blindfolded) than we ever could.
Not everyone has a team ready made to delegate to and so the idea of virtual assistants seemed logical except for the small issue of, well, us. Our neuro
diverse brains function differently, especially around work, tasks, time management, procrastination and also in conversation terms as in, we are often impatient, distracted, don't listen and talk over others making us seem 'difficult to collaborate with'. So, I started to prepare the VA for her lovely new ADHD client! I wanted this to work so I decided the best thing I could do was to prepare her and explain in advance how things might seem as well as offering her tips on how to make it work. It worked and I realised that this was an important resource for a lot of us ADHD'ers.
I train all ADHD-VA's myself in the art of working with fast brains and the results are life changing for the clients. I love working with ADHD'ers as a coach and now as a bridge of understanding between Neuro typical and Neuro diverse brains within a collaborative atmosphere.