Getting started.
1. Use our searchable listings page to find a perfect match.
Our listings page is easy to use either by searching in your geographic location on the map or using the filters. Find a ADHD-VA in your country, timezone, language or by other speciality tasks you need your ADHD-VA to carry out for you. Contact them directly through a simple form and wait for them to reply to set up a call. There is no charge for using this listing service. Each VA has their own pricing structure and will be happy to discuss your needs. Most VA’s show their standard charges in their listing on this website.
2. Short Zoom call (about 30 minutes)
OUR ADHD-VA will talk to you about your requirements and the specific areas in which your ADHD symptoms are making you less productive than you would like. You can then identify areas in which specific actions taken by your VA could provide support. Please be open with your VA about your particular struggles. ADHD-VA’s are trained to understand neurodiverse cliets needs.
3. On the ADHD-VA's end (nothing for you to do)
Your ADHD-VA will estimate your probable / minimum time needs for your fist month of VA service and decide which plan to start you on. If you need more hours than planned you can always upgrade to the next plan level at any time.
4. Receive Invoice & Pay
Once you have agreed upon your initial hours package your ADHD-VA will email you an invoice for your first month. Upon receipt of your payment either online payment by credit / debit card or bank transfer your VA can schedule your onboarding session (around 45 minutes) which does not use any of your hours package : )
5. Onboarding session (about 45 minutes)
During the Zoom onboarding session you and your new ADHD-VA will:
* Discus you general activities
* Identify areas which you would like to hand one to via
* VA explains how they can help in those areas.
* Look at your existing tech / apps setup including which digital calendar you use, calendar sharing, email sharing / forwarding,
* VA will ask you for any specific formatting you like to use in emails ( only necessary if VA to be respond to messages on you behalf )
* Identity the key people in your life, set boundaries around any no-go areas and set any fixed protocols for specific people and situations
* Look at goals you have for short , medium and long term in order to list tasks which need completing in the corning weeks to be making progress.
6. Start handing over tasks (chuck emails, messages & task requests at your VA!)
Off we go! Less tasks for you to do, more fun for your chosen ADHD-VA (we love getting your tasks done, making you look and FEEL GREAT!)