Adhd VAs - Part of your own ADHD friendly team.
Delegating admin tasks to a virtual assistant will allow ADHD entrepreneurs to focus on their unique talents and free up some extra time. If you have ADHD and are the owner of a small business, you may find that some of your strongest skills are focused on the creative aspects of your work. But as a small business owner this could mean that you’re are overextended – trying to do too much by juggling multiple roles. This article explains how delegating admin tasks to a virtual assistant will allow ADHD entrepreneurs to focus on their unique talents and free up some extra time.
Many people with ADHD find it hard to plan tasks, but there are specific reasons why this is the case. Delegating planning tasks to a virtual assistant allows you to utilise time and energy more efficiently, reducing stress levels and giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your job. The fact that a VA can work flexible hours means they're able to support your working patterns as well as sitting and undertaking non-urgent research concerning due dates and content, something a lot of people with ADHD find challenging.
Having ADHD, you know how challenging it is to communicate with other people on a consistent basis. Do you often feel like a failure because of poor communication skills? Do you want to find an easy and affordable way to improve your communication in business? An ADHD-Virtual Assistant can help by composing emails, responding to letters and other forms of communication such as SMS messages or writing social media posts. We also benefit with time as we see how our VA takes our words and builds in clarity.
Technical Tasks.
Our ADHD virtual assistants really get why we struggle with certain aspects of life and our work and work as though they were facing issues similar to those that you face. For example you may need someone to carry out sales via a platform like SalesForce or you may need video editing or graphic designs for your presentations or social media. Or even a custom designed Birthday card for someone special (your ADHD Virtual Assistant will have reminded you of the special day well in advance). Anything technical which you either don't enjoy or don't have the required skills can be passed to your ADHD Personal Assistant.
People who have ADHD can have a lot of issues when it comes to managing their finances. However, there are tasks which can be carried out by a virtual assistant which will help these people to take control and feel less anxious about their financial situation. We procrastinate leaving tasks until close to the deadline, often rushed and carelessly completed. Tax returns, bookkeeping, personal budgeting, setting up savings mechanisms, pension contributions and even researching investments for retirement.
Research & development.
Research can be time consuming and unless the topic to be researched is one which we are passionate about, most people with adhd will struggle to maintain focus on the task for long enough to produce well rounded and quotable research.
Our ADHD virtual assistants are used to working for hours and hours to dig deep into the subject matter in question.
When research isn’t carried out to an exacting and consistent level, it’s just not going to be helpful to the team.
ADHD Business Coaching ✅ Identity Coaching ✅ Late Diagnosis Coaching ✅ Strategy Coaching ✅
ADHD Business Coaching ✅
Identity Coaching ✅
Late Diagnosis Coaching ✅
Self awareness Coaching ✅
Interested in developing those elusive Executive Functions we all hear so much about? Coaching with an ADHD diagnosed coach seems obvious but it’s surprising how many of us seek help elsewhere. Max Lawrence Coaching provides online one-to-one executive function training within various ‘ADHD Business Coaching Programs’, ideal for entrepreneurs, professionals, creatives and university students looking to achieve their true potential through heightened productivity.
Why run when you can fly 🚀
“It happened after around 10 days, suddenly I felt free and the overwhelm vanished. Magic.”
— Justin (27), Software developer
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